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Why Bloom Therapy Resources, LLC for Down Syndrome Treatment?


You have many decisions to make in the treatment and care for your child with Down syndrome. Your choice in therapy interventions is one of those important decisions. At Bloom Therapy Resources, LLC, we made a decision years ago to focus on particular areas of treatment, including Down syndrome, and to advance our knowledge and treatment methods in these focus areas. At Bloom Therapy Resources, your child will be treated by a therapist who has received additional training and education specifically for Down syndrome.


What Can My Child With Down Syndrome Achieve?


With a comprehensive Down syndrome treatment plan, active family support and encouragement, your child can learn important skills and achieve results. We believe your child has the potential to learn to talk, make friends, and function successfully in school. We are here to help you achieve results for your child.


What Types of Treatment and Therapy Does My Child Need?


It is important for children with Down syndrome to receive early intervention shortly after birth. Early intervention includes a program of therapies, exercises and activities designed to specifically help very young children with Down syndrome or other disabilities. The most common early intervention services for babies with Down syndrome are physical therapy and speech therapy. 


Speech Therapy Treatment for Down Syndrome


Speech therapy is important for children with Down syndrome. Because they often have small mouths and slightly enlarged tongues, they can have articulation problems (difficulty speaking clearly), feeding difficulties, and mouth posturing problems. Speaking/articulation problems can be compounded by hearing problems. A speech therapist will work with your child to help him/her learn to communicate clearly and functionally. Other areas addressed in speech therapy include receptive and expressive language, semantics (vocabulary), syntax (grammar), pragmatics (uses of language, social and conversational skills), and classroom/social language skills.


At Bloom therapy Resources, our speech-language pathologist (SLPs) has understanding and expertise to help address the speech and language problems faced by many children with Down syndrome. Our SLP has undergone additional training to specifically meet the needs of children with Down syndrome in the areas of: oral placement/oral motor planning, oral motor strengthening, and myofunctional therapy (including feeding/swallowing skills). Our trainings and treatment methods include: PROMPT, Sara Rosenfeld Johnson techniques (Talk Tools), and Beckman Oral Motor.


Learn more about our speech therapy services for children.


If you would like to speak with our therapists about a evaluation and treatment plan for your child, please request an appointment.

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