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Pragmatic Language Skills

Social learning challenges can affect children with average, below average, or even above average language skills. Social knowledge and the ability to think about what others are thinking socially are important skills not only for the task of “making friends,” but also have an impact on academic tasks which require this type of knowledge (reading comprehension, written expression, making inferences, and working within a group). Neurotypical individuals learn the rules of social behavior and forming relationships intuitively from birth. While parents and teachers do need to shape these behaviors throughout the child's development, teaching social concepts in a factual, concrete manner is usually not needed, and not a common practice.

Children with weak social knowledge need explicit help with initiating communication, listening with the ability to observe and interpret non-verbal messages, making inferences and thinking abstractly, understanding the perspective of others, getting the “main idea”, and understanding humor and other ways to interact. For more information, see the iLAUGH model, created by Michelle Garcia Winner.

If your child is challenged in the areas above, contact us for more information on Social skills assessment and treatment or feel free to book a free virtual consultation here. Book here.

Girls Talking
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